
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lost Identity

Jat is losing his identity? False ego has encountered and the youth are detracking themselve from main path. They are trying to forget their roots.Mind this-A person who forgets his roots and Aukat. He will be erased from the history as other races have been wiped of.
Jats beware!It's time to wake up! Unite! Think positively and in a constructive way.

जाट  अपनी पहचान खोता जा रहा है! संभलो  वीर जाट  कौम ! अपना वजूद मत खो !अभी भी  वक़्त है संभल जा ज़रा!अभी मत हो बारह  बाट ! उठ  और जाग  जा !अभी देर  नहीं  हुई है !

Friday, August 30, 2013

Interpetation .......Debate continues.....

Interpetation .......Debate continues.....


Who are Jats

Jats is a martial race.They are found around the globe. They are strong built,hard working and intelligent. They have served the nation and has given great soldiers and officers to the nation and community.Their main occupation is agriculture.  Jats are of well built body,colour.
Jat are secular and do not believe in caste system.They mingle with everyone.