जाट इस धरती पर बहुत पुराने वासिंदे हैं। यह सबसे पुरानी जनजाति है। यह बात हम नीचे लेख में कुछ बातें लिंक से जैसा लिखा है वैसे ही आप को प्रस्तुत कर रहें हैं। लिंक पर आप जायेंगे तो जाटों के बारे में। यह पुस्तक स्टीवन मकोलिनस द्वारा लिखी चार किताबों की श्रंखला में आखरी पुस्तक में दर्शाया गया है।
source: http://www.israelite.info/bookexcerpts/israelstribestoday.html
Asia's "Jats" and "Alani" Become Europe's "Jutes" and "Alans"
As the Saxons migrated into Europe and the British Isles, they were closely allied to the "Jutes." History records that after their entry into the British Isles, they settled in Kent, the Isle of Wight and parts of Hampshire.79 The Jutes left their name (Jute-land) on the Danish peninsula of "Jutland." Where did they come from? Is there evidence of their name in Asia? There certainly is, and even then we find them closely identified with the Sacae, who became the Saxons.
The second book in this series discussed the Massagetae in detail, acknowledging
that they were sun-worshippers. After crushing the army of the Persian King, Cyrus
the Great, in the sixth century B.C., they migrated into Parthia in the second century
B.C. They lived in the Parthian province of Sakastan, named for their Sacae origins.
It must be acknowledged that while Christianity had significant numbers of converts
in the Parthian Empire, many Parthians and Scythians remained Zoroastrians or sun-worshippers.
Hannay's quote identifies the Massagetae with the "Goths" who migrated
into Europe. However, this author thinks most of the Massagetae (a "Sacae" tribe)
merged into the Saxon tribes who migrated into northern Europe after Parthia fell.
source: http://www.israelite.info/bookexcerpts/israelstribestoday.html
Asia's "Jats" and "Alani" Become Europe's "Jutes" and "Alans"
As the Saxons migrated into Europe and the British Isles, they were closely allied to the "Jutes." History records that after their entry into the British Isles, they settled in Kent, the Isle of Wight and parts of Hampshire.79 The Jutes left their name (Jute-land) on the Danish peninsula of "Jutland." Where did they come from? Is there evidence of their name in Asia? There certainly is, and even then we find them closely identified with the Sacae, who became the Saxons.
describing the Sacae Scythian tribes who migrated from the Caspian Sea region in
the second century, B.C., to settle within the Parthian Empire, historian George
Rawlinson notes that the greatest tribe, the Massagetae, was also named the "great
Jits, or Jats."80 These migrating Sacae
or Saka gave their name to the Parthian province of Sacastan and to the Saka kingdoms
of Northwest India. The term "Jat" has survived as a caste-name in northwest
India into modern times, attesting to the ancient dominance of the Jats in that region.
The Encyclopedia Britannica states the following about the ancient "Jats:"
early Mohammedans wrote of the Jats country as lying between Kirman and Mansura...Speculation
has identified them with the Getae of Herodotus ...[or] Scythians or Indo-Scythians."81 (Emphasis
The Asian Jats lived near the land of Kirman (i.e. the Kerman or German region of
Parthia). If they were Asian "Getae," their later European name was the "Getes" or "Goths." If
they were Scythians (Sacae), they became known as Germans or Saxons as they entered
Europe. Collier's Encyclopedia states of the Jats:
are believed to be descended from the Saka or Scythians, who moved into India
in a series of migrations between the second century B.C. and the fifth century
A.D."82 (Emphasis
Since the Jats were a branch of the "Sacae," called "Saxones" by
Ptolemy, it is not surprising that they were still allied to the "Saxons" and
called "Jutes" by the time they reached Europe and the British Isles. Note
that the consonants of the words “Jats” and “Jutes” are identical.
Sacae moved into Parthia in the second century B.C., but some did stay in Asia centuries
after the fall of Parthia as we will document in the next chapter. In Asia, the Sacae
and Jats lived next to the Kermans (Germanii); in Europe they were called the Saxons
and Jutes, and were part of the migrating Germans. Their names changed very little
as they moved from Parthian Asia into Europe as part of the great Caucasian migrations.
The names "Kerman" and "Jats" also remained in the regions of
Asia where they once lived. Some Jats stayed in India and intermarried with other
tribes in the region. Today, the Indian Jats "in general have a fair complexion,"83 supporting
the conclusion that they had Saka ancestors. As discussed in books two and three
of this series, the Massagetae, a leading tribe of the Sacae were most likely the
descendants of the Israelite tribe of Manasseh, and the suffix "-getae" indicates
a common origin with the "Getae" ("Goths") of the Black Sea region.
Historian Herbert Hannay wrote about this connection:
Historian Herbert Hannay wrote about this connection:
Goths, too, it will be remembered, when in Asia as the Massagetae, had been worshippers
of the Sun..."84(Emphasis
Another Asian tribe that moved from Asia into Europe was the Alans (or Alani). Historian
George Rawlinson notes that bands of Alani lived from the Black Sea region to the
east of the Caspian Sea.85 They have been
called "half-caste Scyths," and many Alani followed the Vandals into Europe.86 Collier's
Encyclopedia asserts the Alans were a tribe of "Iranian-speaking nomads" who
moved from Asia into Europe in the 5th century A.D., and established a kingdom of
their own in Portugal.87 Even as the numerous
third century Goths by the Black Sea exhibited "Iranian" (i.e., Parthian)
traits, the Alans had an "Iranian" language. This confirms they had a common
origin with the Parthians and Scythians, whose "Iranian" language and culture
is well-documented.
The Indo-Europeans who migrated from Asia into Europe in the aftermath of Parthia's
fall included many different nations and tribes. As tribes intermingled, became allied
or split up as they poured into Europe, there came to be considerable overlap in
terms such as "Germans," "Goths," and "Saxons." The
term "Caucasian" became an overall term to describe all these tribes migrating
into Europe through the Caucasus Mountain/Black Sea region.
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